A Community of
People Saved
by His Grace


The Bible speaks of Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness , obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence in fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong. Heb 11:32-34. Who were these people? Jephthah was a social outcast born to an unwed mother. Samuel was a great prophet but not a great parent. David wrote the psalms but had an affair. “Out of weakness were made the strong”. Notice they did not start out strong, they became strong and if they can make it, you can too! For reasons God never explains, He chooses to work through people like you. He places you in difficult situations then unlocks your faith, compassion and creativity. When you don’t know which way to go, He connects you to those who can open the right door at the right moment. Does that mean you won’t experience fear? No, progress has always been made by people who faced their fears and rose above them. They knew that opportunity and security were opposites. The truth is if the challenge you are facing doesn’t place a demand on your faith, it neither pleases God nor involves him. In the Wealthy Place we believe you do not pray for an easy life; you pray to be a stronger person. you do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; you pray for powers equal to your tasks, then the doing of your work shall be the Miracle. Come to the wealthy place and every day you shall wonder at yourself and at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God.

About Us

The word “Church” simply means a whole number of true believers, and only true believers throughout the world. It is called the invisible church because one can’t see it. Only God can look into a person’s heart and know if he or she is a true believer in Jesus Christ. It is all those people who profess to be Christians, The called out people according to 1Peter 2:9-10. 

The Wealthy Place International Christian Life Outreach Ministries concept of services is predicated around the five major purpose of Church: 


Be part of the 20th Anniversary @ The Wealthy Place Church. Click below to make reservations.

What is our mission:

To raise people by giving them hope. To Equip the saints with the skill and tools that they require to change their world.

To build a wealthy world for the kingdom people by creating an enabling environment for the purposes of God to thrive.

Weekly Activities

Sunday: 8am – 10.30am

Tuesday: 5.30pm – 7.00pm

Every Last; Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month:

7am – 10am

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At The Wealthy Place Church we give not out of compulsion or fear but a desire to see the gospel prosper in our day. Partner with us today. Put your money where your faith is.